New Promotions
The Chesterfield Fire Department would like to congratulate James Schafer Jr. and Mark Bletch, who were just promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Well done – we know you will do a great job!
The Chesterfield Fire Department would like to congratulate James Schafer Jr. and Mark Bletch, who were just promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Well done – we know you will do a great job!
The recent tragedy in greater Nashville reminds us that severe weather season is approaching. Sadly, most people do not have the ability to be awakened and alerted of severe weather when they are asleep. Consider picking up a NOAA weather alert radio for your home or workplace. You can also select one of several smart
Join the Chesterfield Public Safety Department for ‘Moon Beams for Sweet Dreams’ Dinner & Bus Trip to Beaumont Children’s Hospital Thu. Dec. 19th @ 5:30PM “Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams,” is a program created by the Beaumont Children’s Pediatric Family Advisory Council at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak for the third straight year! Each night at 8PM December 1st- 25th,
Please join the Chesterfield Fire Department as we cap off this year’s National Fire Prevention Week with our Annual Open House! The event will be held at Fire Station #3 (corner of 23 Mile & Baker) Sunday October 13th from 12:00pm-3:00pm This FREE family-friendly event will feature kids activities, interactive demonstrations, refreshments and more –
If you are close to Selfridge ANG Base and you suddenly start hearing voices…don’t worry. Every Wednesday at noon the base will test its outdoor notification system. The “Big Voice” is commonly used at military installations, colleges, sports venues, and other outdoor facilities to give directions in an emergency. They will also test their system
Crews are on-site today to begin work on the Chesterfield Fire Station 1 Renovation & Expansion project! This $2 million renovation project will expand the station an additional 3,500 sq ft – including second floor living quarters, workout room, offices, and more apparatus bays.
With the incredibly high water we are experiencing in the area, the Chesterfield Public Safety Department would like to remind all boaters of the importance of “Slow No Wake Areas”. STATE LAW prohibits watercraft from operating at speeds above “Slow No Wake” in any of the following areas: Within 100 feet of shore Within 100
Join us at Chesterfield Fire Station 3 on June 2nd for CHILD SAFETY DAY! There will be a bike rodeo, child safety seat installations, fire and water safety info, and bicycle safety inspections! Runs 12PM-3PM – come out for some safety and fun!
Before the waters rise…..Prepare! Move all items on the lowest level off the floor and up above the potential water depth. (2-3 feet) Video record or photograph your home and the contents for a possible insurance claim. Contact your insurance agent and ask about flooding. Un-plug electrical appliances not being used in the low areas.
Mark your calendars for May 4th and come out to Chesterfield Fire Station 3 for Water & Boaters Safety Day! The event runs from 12:00pm-3:00pm Chesterfield Fire Station 3 is located at 33991 23 Mile Rd (at the corner of 23 Mile & Baker roads) Hope to see you there for some safety tips and fun!
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